David Spiller: Tell Me There Is Love

1 - 17 May 2025

We are delighted to present Tell Me There Is Love, an exhibition comprising a vibrant collection of David Spiller's rare and recent silkscreens, produced from 2009 to the present day.  


As David became older, he felt an increasing urgency to keep his legacy alive, he understood the medium of printmaking was a great way to spread his 'magic' to a wider audience than a single painting might achieve. He loved that his prints could be shared with a greater audience and that his editions offered more accessibility to collectors and loved to give them as gifts to friends and family. 


David continued to make original artworks specifically for prints up until he died, for his last editions to be published after his death.  He painted from scratch individual works, by-passing the digital process and making bespoke new works specifically for printmaking. Fervently keeping alive his life-time's work, and spending his last working days surrounded by his favourite cartoon family, and including his most important, heartfelt mantras and song lyrics. 


Tell me there’s a heaven
Tell me there are Angels
Tell me there is love
David Spiller 1942 - 2018
 To register your interest please email Maria Morrow: maria@air-contemporary.com