We are delighted to present The Art of Communication, Piers Bourke’s latest solo exhibition which explores the ever-evolving landscape of connections and transactions. 
Bourke immortalises everyday items which have become eroded by technology, such as postage stamps, bank notes and cheques. Using his signature style of combining photography, paper and paint, by rolling, splicing and twisting, his multi-layered works have a unique sculptural quality, which also cleverly change when viewed from different angles.  
Included is his recurring theme of telephone boxes, aptly named the ‘Soon to Be Removed’ series, which pays homage to existing pay phones in London (their exact locations identifiable from what3words references).  Over 20,000 of these totemic structures with their royal insignias still stand defiantly across the UK.  Look for a phone box and you will see them everywhere. Mostly redundant, yet some have been reborn as mini libraries, art installations, bars and even micro medical centres for defibrillators.  
These, alongside Piers’ other works not only symbolise iconic design, but how instantaneous and accessible life has become.  With everything at our technological fingertips, there is no need for the effort and process once required. Pier’s works not only appreciates the aesthetic value in fading physical items; they evoke personal memories and reminds us of the importance of experience and contact.  
For sales enquiries please email: maria@air-contemporary.com
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