Dan Jamieson: I only came to quaff the wine, flirt and gossip
Past exhibition
OverviewWe are very excited to be holding Dan's debut exhibition and share these brilliant new works with you, which can be viewed and purchased below.Since first exhibiting Dan's (now famous) hate plates in 2022, his work and collector profile has gone from strength to strength. We are incredibly proud to be showing such a large body of work for the first time by such a promising young artist, and which also marks the first solo show to be held at our Ham Yard gallery space.Please note that works will be delivered shortly after the exhibtion ends on 2nd May. However please let us know if you require pieces sooner. Extra hate plates will be available during the exhibition.General enquiries: info@air-contemporary.comPress enquiries: maria@air-contemporary.com
Hate Plates
New home same shit smell
Please stop locking eyes with me when it is time to fart
Dan Jamieson, We must confess we only came to raid your best wine and cause chaos
We only stayed as we heard you had Goldeneye and four controllersSold
Dan Jamieson, Hate plate for a downstairs toilet where you send your least favourite guests
Dan Jamieson, Pass the wine to pass the time
I am sorry for zoning out while you re-enacted a scene from a period dramaSold
I am sorry that I realised I only find you interesting when sharing your coke
Dan Jamieson, I only came to steal your wine, flirt and gossip (black)
Dan Jamieson, Oh of course we would love to see more of your wedding photos
Dan Jamieson, Please remind the guests to leave at the designated time
Dan Jamieson, Thank you for coming, I'll send you a link for replacement glasses
Dan Jamieson, Thank you for coming. Where is my birthday present?
Dan Jamieson, The loo brush is not there purely for fucking decoration
Dan Jamieson, We are thrilled you invited yourself to stay the night and all day tomorrow too
Dan Jamieson, We only stayed as we heard you have mushrooms
Dan Jamieson, When is the earliest we can tell everyone to leave?
Dan Jamieson, Fuck your fucking smoothies I am making violently potent negronis and having fun
Dan Jamieson, I am sorry that I do not share your enthusiasm for your new dog (black)
We only stayed as we heard you ordered good cokeSold
Dan Jamieson, Pour the fucking wine already
Dan Jamieson, When I play Another Day In Paradise it is definitely time for everyone to leave
Dan Jamieson, I'd rather be at home eating crisps in bed
Dan Jamieson, Oh do shut the fuck up about your lovely time away and how it was well deserved (black)
Dan Jamieson, When is it socially acceptable to leave?
Dan Jamieson, Just trust me that now is the perfect moment to wow the party with Something Got Me Started
Dan Jamieson, Oh fuck. Not another WhatsApp group that I will hastily archive
Dan Jamieson, I only came to get good content
Dan Jamieson, Just please stop. There are more than enough cushions
Dan Jamieson, Sorry, no chance of fucking tonight as I am regrettably full of jacket potato
Sorry, they're menthol
Dan Jamieson, Thanks for the super plume of sickly sweet vape smell you insufferable bellend
Dan Jamieson, We were all having a nice time until you came in and farted
Babes, stop saying your sofa is super vintage when it is Ikea 2020Sold
Dan Jamieson, Please do not expect me to commit to any Sunday plans
Dan Jamieson, Careful we are still seething from your last whoops-a-daisy with our favourite glasses (black)
Dan Jamieson, Who drank all the fucking orange wine?
Dan Jamieson, This hate plate is to remind you to fuck off at a sensible time
Dan Jamieson, Please stop sending boring photos to the group chat
Dan Jamieson, When I ask you how work is going I am not really listening
Dan Jamieson, I must confess I hearted the video you sent without actually watching it
Dan Jamieson, This hate plate was a panic buy
Dan Jamieson, Please do not worry it was not sentimental just rather expensive (black)
Dan Jamieson, Please tell the guests to vacate
Dan Jamieson, I only came to gossip, drink your best wine and dance my ass off
Dan Jamieson, We must confess we only came to drink your best martinis and cause chaos
Please do not invite your ex to my drinks doSold
Sorry but Sunday afternoon is my dedicated snacks, big wank and duvet time
Dan Jamieson, Fuck your fucking Chai shitting latte I am making breakfast bellinis
Dan Jamieson, When I ask if you need anything please just say no thanks
I am sorry but I am finding it hard to get excited about your new sofa (black)Sold
Sorry but please do not expect me to return the favour
Now is not the time to kill the mood with your nostalgic indie wank
Dan Jamieson, Don't you dare interrupt us when we are singing to Dolly Parton
We both know I will not listen to your enthusiastic podcast recommendationSold
Dan Jamieson, A packet of cheese and onion and a wank will have to do
Another shitty night with your shitty friends
Don't you dare interrupt the playlist with your drunken rendition of Steps 5 6 7 8
Dan Jamieson, Fantastic. You drank all the nice wine
Dan Jamieson, I am far too pissed to care for your bullshit
I am sorry for overly referencing Tim Robinson's 'I Think You Should Leave'
I only came to take a festering, triple flushing shit in your lovely new bathroomSold
I only stayed as I heard fish finger sandwiches were comingSold
Dan Jamieson, If you do have to stay the night please save your monstrous hangover poo for home
Just trust me that now is the moment to play 'ain't it funny' by JLo feat Ja Rule
Dan Jamieson, Keep topping me up and I will tolerate your company
Let's go home, watch shit reality tv in bed with an array of maize snacksSold
Mr and Mrs shit taste in interior design
No one cares that your jeans are selvedge Japanese denimSold
No one cares where the silly sodding napkins are from
Dan Jamieson, Oh please stop your waffling and pour the sodding wine
Dan Jamieson, Painfully pointless prosecco party
Please just shush so we can drunk sexy dance to any Nelly Furtado song but preferably one feat TimbalandSold
Dan Jamieson, Please no fucking politics at the party
Please politely tell the guests to piss off home
Please stop adding shit nostalgic songs from your youth to the carefully curated playlistSold
Please stop boring me with your tedious and complicated exercise routineSold
Please stop saying 'if you can't beat em Clapham' anytime someone suggests Clapham
Please take the very obvious hints as it is very fucking well past home timeSold
Please tell the guests to go. I feel a fart coming
Sorry I have diarrhoea that eveningSold
Dan Jamieson, Thank you for coming. Where is my hosting gift?
Dan Jamieson, Thank you for interrupting my outstanding story with your fucking shit story
We are sorry but everyone agrees you were a gigantic knobhead at the afternoon teaSold
We know it was your rancid, retina burning, panic attack inducing fart
We only stayed as we heard you were playing the Moldy Peaches debut in it's entirety
What the fuck did 'hoochie mamas show your nanas' mean?
Dan Jamieson, When I ask about your week I am not listening
When we put the Lidl hash browns in the oven it is definitely time for everyone to leaveSold
You make me clammy
Your 'don't worry I dabbled in dj-ing at uni' does not fill me with much hope
Your verbal diarrhoea is not welcome here
New home same shit taste (black)
Please do not overstay your welcome (black)Sold
Rather pretty shitty vase for pretty shitty flowers
Dan Jamieson, Oh god. Not another achingly dull still life painting involving some fucking flowers and fruit
Please stop banging on about your dull holiday drama involving your in flight neck pillow and pour the ruddy wineSold
Please take the unsubtle hints and order a fucking cab as we are bored talking about your child reaching its many milestones
Please do not demand to interrupt the carefully curated playlist with shit songs from your very forgettable weddingSold
Now is probably not the best time to WhatsApp your dealer (saved as Dr Rugs)
Dan Jamieson, Don't you dare expect me to commit to the lavish and overly ambitious Sunday plans we made on an aperol soaked Saturday
I am still seething from when you interrupted my punchline with 'borrring this guy an uber'
Please do not interrupt the awkward silence with your acapella version of 'Somewhere Only We Know' and then take offence when someone thinks it's Lily Allen's song and not Keane'sÂ
We only stayed as we heard you had vienetta, a big bottle of Dr Pepper curly straws, three types of Doritos and Mrs Doubtfire on DVD
Please tell the guests to leave. I feel a torrid tummy tickler of a fart coming which I would prefer to execute alone
Dan Jamieson, We bought this as there was a rumour Taylor Swift was interested, so we snapped it up to give ourselves maximum smugness and a real thrill.
I am sorry but I don't think the guests were ready for, nor appreciated your Japanese jazz funk fusion records
Don't you dare interrupt me while I am feeling wonderfully invincible, dancing flawlessly to Talking Heads, fuelled by a lot of wine (and a little line)Sold
Oh, do not worry, we will just book flights, pop on a plane and wake up early to scour the flea market, as i am sure we will find the same set of glassesSold
Dan Jamieson, We bought this in the hope the artist will become immensely popular, then we will cash in and buy an understated mega yacht with a tv that rises from the foot of the bed.
We must confess we only came to guzzle your wonderful face slapping home made cocktails, finish off your overpriced crisps, drunk sexy dance and generally shit stir
Dan Jamieson, This hate plate was attacked by Nicolas Cage with a smooth double karate chop after he took offence to the hate plate referencing him
Framed Hate Plates
Babes, you are not a fucking interior designerSold
Oh Christ. Just pour the wine alreadySold
Please don't worry it wasn't sentimental. Just really fucking expensiveSold
When I said oh I would love to, I meant oh fuck, not another tedious get together
Fuck your fucking Tattinger. I am quaffing Lidl Champagne and snuffling hula hoopsSold
Oh Christ. Please do not suggest to stay overSold
Sorry darling, there were no sodding Shrigley's left so I got you thisSold
Oh my fucking Christ stop your waffling and pour the sodding wine alreadySold
We are sorry but posting shit pictures of your mediocre living room does not make you an interior designerSold
The coasters are there for a fucking reasonSold
Who drank all the fucking rose?Sold
Prosecco did not make you do it your irritating personality traits did
We must confess we only come to the openings to quaff the alcohol and say things like, i love this, it feels so contemporarySold
No one cares about how many different craft beers you drank you boring arseholeSold
We ordered you an Uber as your three spills was one spill too many sadlySold
Oh fuck your seating planSold
I regret the sixth espresso martiniSold
Oh my fucking lord enough pointless small talk and pour the sodding wine alreadySold
Bra-fucking-vo on successfully testing my patience to its limitSold
Let's make sure we have a believable excuse to leave the party earlySold